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[Postfix] Discarding unknown email address

January 21st, 2011 by kkt3863

To remove postfix from sending an email to a user with an unknown email address, the header_check line has to be uncommented in the postfix main.cf configuration file.

In the main.cf file, the header_check line should look like this:

header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks

The /etc/postfix/header_checks file will have the following as its content:

/someunreachableemailaddress@yahoo\.com/    DISCARD

Helpful *nix Commands

October 20th, 2010 by kkt3863

Running a command as a user from the root shell.

su -c command [command options] - [user ID]

RHEL Kernel 2.6.18-194.11.1 with Perfctr patch

September 5th, 2010 by kkt3863

RHEL/Centos kernel SRPM version: 2.6.18-194.11.1 patched with Perfctr 2.6.41 can be downloaded

Lapack on a GNU/Linux PPC64 System

June 15th, 2010 by kkt3863

Building Lapack with IBM’s ESSL is a little tricky. First you have to download lapack and also the call conversion interface (cci) patch that takes care of renaming lapack routines that overlap with ESSL ones. Also generic BLAS has to be built to take care of few BLAS routines that ESSL doesn’t implement.

Use the following contents of the make.inc to build Lapack and Blas. Generic BLAS (libblas.a) should be built to take care of the few BLAS routines that ESSL doesn’t implement. Build the generic BLAS first by editing the setting the BLASLIB = ../../libblas.a and then revert to the original BLASLIB line to build liblapack_cci.

SHELL = /bin/sh
PLAT = _ppc64
FORTRAN  = xlf_r
OPTS     = -q64 -qtune=pwr7  -qsuppress=cmpmsg -qextname
NOOPT    = -q64 -qtune=pwr7  -qsuppress=cmpmsg -qextname
LOADER   = xlf_r
LOADOPTS = -q64 -qtune=pwr7  -qsuppress=cmpmsg -qextname
ARCH     = ar
RANLIB   = ranlib
BLASLIB      = -L/opt/apps/ibm/essl/5.1/lib64 -lessl ../../libblas.a
#BLASLIB      = ../../libblas.a
LAPACKLIB    = lapack$(PLAT).a
TMGLIB       = tmglib$(PLAT).a
EIGSRCLIB    = eigsrc$(PLAT).a 
LINSRCLIB    = linsrc$(PLAT).a

To link Lapack with ESSL use the following line:

-L/path/to/essl -lessl -llapack_cci -lblas